Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Sadly but surely we knew the day would come to say farewell. After 6 amazing weeks, several planes, buses, ferries, trains, taxis and memories to last a lifetime we parted ways; Shira to California and me to Finland for a couple more weeks of travel. Although it is difficult to describe the depth of our affairs, in a nutshell here are some of the little things we learned along the way:

1. Shira kills bugs with her hands
2. I can sleep through just about anything
3. The sun on the Algarve coast is strong with a capital S
4. Sunscreen cost 18 euro everywhere in Europe; next time bring some
5. Lettuce in spanish is Lechuga and that's all you need to know in Spain
6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil can make anything taste good
7. The greek language is impossible to learn
8. Red Wine makes us happy
9. The city of Barcelona is beyond incredible
10. You can never go wrong by visiting a greek island - any one of them

It's been an experience to say the least. Until next time.....

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