Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Sadly but surely we knew the day would come to say farewell. After 6 amazing weeks, several planes, buses, ferries, trains, taxis and memories to last a lifetime we parted ways; Shira to California and me to Finland for a couple more weeks of travel. Although it is difficult to describe the depth of our affairs, in a nutshell here are some of the little things we learned along the way:

1. Shira kills bugs with her hands
2. I can sleep through just about anything
3. The sun on the Algarve coast is strong with a capital S
4. Sunscreen cost 18 euro everywhere in Europe; next time bring some
5. Lettuce in spanish is Lechuga and that's all you need to know in Spain
6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil can make anything taste good
7. The greek language is impossible to learn
8. Red Wine makes us happy
9. The city of Barcelona is beyond incredible
10. You can never go wrong by visiting a greek island - any one of them

It's been an experience to say the least. Until next time.....

Monday, June 14, 2010

Last Sop in Greece - Naxos

Again we are staying in an authentic greek 'hotel' run by the most charming family. Demetri and his parents immediately made us feel at home with a welcome drink and quick recap of the town. Naxos is a much less developed island with a laid back vibe and fewer tourists.

Like most greek islands, there is history here dating back 1,000s of years. From the porch we can see a stunning arch remaining from a temple belonging to the Greek God Apollo. In the evening the north star and moon align themselves above the arch creating a unique trilogy that fascinates the eye.

Several Greek people we met in Santorini told us to enjoy the beautiful beaches and great food here in Naxos. Sure sure we thought...but how can anything be more magnificent then OIA and the caldera? After a bus ride through town and few dirt roads our eyes met Plaka Beach. A little taste of heaven in the sun! Crystal clear water and white soft sand; couldn't be a better way to enjoy our last couple days in Greece and in honor of Europe, we will be spending our final day on the beach...naked!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Cliffs of OIA, Santorini

For our last evening in Santorini, we decided to venture over to the cliffside village of OIA. Here houses sit peacefully on the edge of volcanic rock left over from the explosion years ago that sunk the center of the island. The sunsets are said to be one of the most beautiful in the world and let's just say we were not disappointed! After dinner and a bottle of greek wine, we strolled the streets while all the honeymooners and sunset watchers were sound asleep. Soooo quiet we could here our footsteps and there was a moment where we just had to stop and say....WOW. Ok, yeah...had a moment and can't exactly explain it. Simply magical....

We came back the following morning to grasp the site in daylight and again....WOW.

Santorini Sunsets Are Not to be Missed

Magic to the eyes every night.....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Santorini, Greece

It took only two and a half hours on a "fast" ferry from Mykonos to dock up on the mystical island of Santorini. Getting on and off the ferry was a cattle call to say the least, but with a little bit of patience we could not help but laugh about the chaotic handling of luggage and people exiting the vessel every which way, trying to locate their suitcase that miraculously appears at the port after being thrown on the deck of a moving boat (literally) .
After arriving at the quaint, family-run Dream hotel in Fira (Santorini's main town) we dropped our bags and strolled to the central square. Fira sits atop a mountain overlooking the Agean Sea, covered with typical Grecian style hotels, shops, restaurants and bars. A few more steps into town and all of a sudden we were standing atop the Caldera witnessing the most stunning sunset. Then we enjoyed the view and a bite to eat with Cristina, our new found friend from San Francisco!
The following day we ventured via bus to Perissa on the other side of the island, a black sand beach that sits below a rocky cliff. The bus ride was eventful; surprisingly there were no chickens as you would have assumed by the looks of our ride but lots of people and little breeze. Some things are just worth it!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mykonos, Greece

Its official....we finally arrived in the Greek Islands! First stop Mykonos. Such a divine place to visit. The landscape is filled with whitewashed buildings, accents of blue and turquoise doors, window frames and roofs and touches of the most brilliant Bogenvilla. The town of Mykonos has so much to offer! Tons of local shops, great eateries and an energetic, inviting atmosphere.
Our second night in town we did it up with a fancy din din, delicious bottle of local wine and participated in the infamous Mykonos nightlife. We loved every minute of it, dancing to old school jams like Aretha, James and even Tom Jones! Fan-freaking-tastic!!
Oh and we can not forget about Pedro the Pelican. Pedro has been part of the Mykonos scene since the 1950's. He was rescued by a local man and eventually set back to the wild but decided that Mykonos was so amazing he would make it his new home! Smart pelican - we contemplated doing the same. Strolling the streets with him as he soaks up the attention and attempts to blend with the crowd was quite enjoyable.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Athens: Short and Sweet

As soon as we arrived in Greece there was a different feel in the air. The people were kind, the food delicious, the history palpable and energy soulful. Since we only had 1 day in Athens we consumed our time with the basics, starting with the acropolis and its surrounding ruins. The views from atop were spectacular.

There are several stray dogs (with collars) laying and strolling around the acropolis. We couldn't help but wonder what their story was so we asked around and of course later "googled it". They are stray and they do reside there, but all are well taken care of by the local people of Athens. If you feel like googling "stray dogs of the acropolis" its quite an interesting scoop.

After some site seeing we meandered around the streets exploring the old city dropping into shops (each purchasing a hand made tapestry as seen to the left) and sipping frappes! Frappe - the greek version of an iced coffee - it is confirmed that this will be a daily activity for the next 12 days! Looking forward to the islands.....

When In Rome...Shira Style

There is so much to say about Rome; its hard to know where to start. For me (Shira that is) it was four jam packed days of sight seeing! Our time in Rome overlapped with Penny, an old time family-friend. It was her first time there as well so we set out to see a handful of the sights together. How cool to rendevux in Rome with Penny. It was a pleasure! Of all the amazing places we saw, there are a few that truly stand out:

1) The Colloseum - it is a wowzer! As soon as I walked in I could imagine everything covered in marble, the seats filled with people and the gladiators fighting for their lives against great beasts. Needless to say I used my imagination, it is quite impressive!
2) St. Peters Basillica - this is by far the largest church I have ever been in (obviously). The ceilings seem to practically touch the sky and there is gold everywhere. It seemed to go on forever. I was blown away at the beauty and grandeur that was oozing out of every inch.
3) Sistine Chapel - after winding through what seemed like miles of the Vatican Museum, Penny and I finally found ourselves entering the Sistine Chapel. Michael Angelo' ceiling was incredible and I stood with hundreds of other people stairing up at it for as long as I could.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuscany Pics

The Beauty of Tuscany

A Poem by Shira:

The sky meets the earth with an explosion of green rolling hills that flow into infinity. The wind blowing gently through the fields of grapes, olive trees, red poppies, lavender, oregano and oak trees, is like breath giving life to all that surrounds you. You drink the wine, you eat the olive oil, you feel the breath in every sip and every bite. You are more alive then you ever have been, accepting you have no choice but to indulge and bask in the beauty that is Tuscany.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Chianti Classico - We'll Take a Case!

Visiting the Chianti Region of Tuscany during our stay in Florence will go down in the books (or should we say blog) as unforgettable! We toured Greve, Montefioralle, Castellina and Monteriggioni, all small towns and villages along the countryside. We went on a tour with a small group of 7 people and were guided by a local Italian man named Demetri. The scenery was gorgeous, but the best part of the day by far was our private tour and tasting at a winery in Castellina Chianti. Anna Rita was our host; she treated us to a home cooked lunch and tastings of the most delicious wine, outside the old monastery (now the main house) that was built in the year 1000. It was completely enchanting and an experience of a lifetime! We want to go back already!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

One of a Kind

Friendly people? Not so much
Easy to get to with 2 months worth of luggage? Not so much
Intriguing, magical, unique and well worth the visit? VERY MUCH SO!

The City is Sinking - While We Are Here

Italy ohhh Italy, we have arrived. Last night we we took a stroll to Piazza San Marco, the main square in Venice, which is also the lowest point. During Aqua Alta (a/k/a high water) it is the first to flood and water pouring into the Piazza runs directly into the Grand Canal. They say this happens roughly 40x per year so we were excited to capture the moment. Very surreal.

Aqua Alta

All Dried Up

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Barcelona It Has Been Fun!!

Here we are, our last morning in Barcelona after 5 days of total chaos! It has been jam packed with unforgettable experiences. From La Rambla to the works of Guadi, Tapas, Sangria, the Picasso Museum, visits to the beach and a spanish guitar jam session, here are some highlights from our stay:

La Rambla
1 Mile Walk down this street is mere madness! By some bunnies, maybe a bird and glance at all the people dressed in costumes to earn a euro or two. Hustle and bustle like Times Square; can't do anything but embrace it.

La Boqueria (El Mercat)
A poem by Shira:
The intoxicating energy takes over all of my senses
I am under a spell, hypnotized by the sounds of commerce, tran
sported to an art gallery of fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, breads, spices and chocolates
Creating a rainbow so vibrant, I have no choice but to indulge in all that seems to be laid out on a platter, just for me

The Beach
Locals and tourists pack themselves on this man made beach smack dab in the heart of Barcelona. Vibrant with sand castles, domino competitions, biking, running, sunbathing (half naked) and of course eating and drinking.

Works of Gaudi
Our pictures do his architectural masterpieces no justice, but we tried!

Casa Batllo

Temple of Sagrada Familia from inside Park Guell

Bite size snacks, 1.80 Euro each. Stand, eat, count the sticks and go on with your day.

Best white sangria ever - cheers to that and to Barcelona!

Friday, May 21, 2010