Monday, May 31, 2010

Chianti Classico - We'll Take a Case!

Visiting the Chianti Region of Tuscany during our stay in Florence will go down in the books (or should we say blog) as unforgettable! We toured Greve, Montefioralle, Castellina and Monteriggioni, all small towns and villages along the countryside. We went on a tour with a small group of 7 people and were guided by a local Italian man named Demetri. The scenery was gorgeous, but the best part of the day by far was our private tour and tasting at a winery in Castellina Chianti. Anna Rita was our host; she treated us to a home cooked lunch and tastings of the most delicious wine, outside the old monastery (now the main house) that was built in the year 1000. It was completely enchanting and an experience of a lifetime! We want to go back already!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

One of a Kind

Friendly people? Not so much
Easy to get to with 2 months worth of luggage? Not so much
Intriguing, magical, unique and well worth the visit? VERY MUCH SO!

The City is Sinking - While We Are Here

Italy ohhh Italy, we have arrived. Last night we we took a stroll to Piazza San Marco, the main square in Venice, which is also the lowest point. During Aqua Alta (a/k/a high water) it is the first to flood and water pouring into the Piazza runs directly into the Grand Canal. They say this happens roughly 40x per year so we were excited to capture the moment. Very surreal.

Aqua Alta

All Dried Up

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Barcelona It Has Been Fun!!

Here we are, our last morning in Barcelona after 5 days of total chaos! It has been jam packed with unforgettable experiences. From La Rambla to the works of Guadi, Tapas, Sangria, the Picasso Museum, visits to the beach and a spanish guitar jam session, here are some highlights from our stay:

La Rambla
1 Mile Walk down this street is mere madness! By some bunnies, maybe a bird and glance at all the people dressed in costumes to earn a euro or two. Hustle and bustle like Times Square; can't do anything but embrace it.

La Boqueria (El Mercat)
A poem by Shira:
The intoxicating energy takes over all of my senses
I am under a spell, hypnotized by the sounds of commerce, tran
sported to an art gallery of fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, breads, spices and chocolates
Creating a rainbow so vibrant, I have no choice but to indulge in all that seems to be laid out on a platter, just for me

The Beach
Locals and tourists pack themselves on this man made beach smack dab in the heart of Barcelona. Vibrant with sand castles, domino competitions, biking, running, sunbathing (half naked) and of course eating and drinking.

Works of Gaudi
Our pictures do his architectural masterpieces no justice, but we tried!

Casa Batllo

Temple of Sagrada Familia from inside Park Guell

Bite size snacks, 1.80 Euro each. Stand, eat, count the sticks and go on with your day.

Best white sangria ever - cheers to that and to Barcelona!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Snapshots of Alhambra De Granada


Ok so we lied. Not in Barcelona just yet, but after seeing something so spectacular its a must we blog away....

On Wednesday we visited Granada, Spain. Yet another Spanish city to fall in love with. Even though only an hour from the Mediterranean Coast it sits high above sea level, between three rivers and below the Sierra Mountains. Thats right, we felt right at home! The people of Granada were beautiful, stylish and the atmosphere resembled that of Seville but with a much more mellow vibe. Shira bought a cool instrument made out of a sting ray and I scooped up fresh cherries from the local market. We ended the early afternoon with some delicious Gazpacho Soup before heading up the hills to tour Alhambra.

The palace and fortress known as Alhambra was completed toward the end of Muslim rule in Spain during the 14th Century. It stood until 1492 when the Catholic Monarchs conquered this last Muslim City and their final King surrendered. The architectural details are magnificent and represent a profound culture. To be one of the 8,000 people that visit the grounds daily was a real treat and thanks to an excellent tour guide we left with our best history lesson yet.

Deserving of their own post, a few photos of Alhambra De Granada to follow.

On a side note - Off to Barcelona tomorrow and the ONE american movie (that seems to be on instant replay at our hotel this week) is Vicky Cristina Barcelona". Hmmmmmm....interesting.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Costa de Sol

Benalmadena, a town in the province of Malaga, Spain is in the heart of the Costa De Sol. Thanks to a dear friend we are lucky enough to enjoy this week at a Resort on the Mediterranean. Instead of blogging about beaches and suntans, we will be soaking up the rays. Whoohoo...see you in Barcelona!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Everything to Love

Seville, Spain is an incredibly beautiful city with an enchanting atmosphere and friendly locals. We have spent the past few days circling the streets, catching a glimpse of the big sites and discovering many hidden gems. Everything from the Cathedral to Flamenco Dancing to scrumptious Tapas, the city is rich in culture and inviting to its guests. Seville, we heart you!

Flamenco Time!

Flamenco dancing is an art form that evolved in the Andalusia region of Spain and it has been said that Seville, Spain is one of the best places to catch a show. That we did and it was phenomenal. The music, clapping, snapping, stomping and pure emotion was entertainment at its best.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Keepin It Kosher

This morning we made some turkey and cheese sandwiches from the hotels breakfast buffet and stashed them in our handbags to eat for lunch later in the day at Plaza De La Alfalfa (a square near the old jewish quarters where many of the churches used to be synagogues). Not only were the sandwiches delicious, but our dear jewish grandmothers would be proud. We learned from the best; thanks Mima and Omi! After lunch we wandered the maze like streets of Seville in awe of the ancient houses and leafy patios. A pleasant afternoon it was....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Lucky Day in Seville, Spain

Yesterday we took a 6 hour bus ride from Lagos, Portugal to Seville, Spain. Our hotel is located in the City Centre so we quickly dropped our stuff off at the room and ventured out. It wasn't long before we found a cafe and began soaking up the city's afternoon energy. Lunch is quite the celebration here - every table filled with people relaxing, laughing, eating and drinking. Definitely not the 'lunch break" we are accustomed to. Wine....LOTS of wine! Next thing you know Shira got pooped on by a pigeon! This pigeon wasn't messin' around and must have had a tummy ache. Not a pleasant moment for Shira, but as they say its good luck. Soooo, Sevilla, Spain here she comes!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not Yet Disappointed

The food in Lagos has been spectacular and is always presented with a diversity of colors. Fresh seafood, vegetables and fruits, we have enjoyed every meal to the last bite!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello Lagos!

After a 4 hour bus ride from Lisbon, we arrived in Lagos. Located on the southern tip of Portugal (the Algarve), this quaint town immediately swept us away with its picturesque coastline, white sandy beach’s, maze like cobble stone streets and delicious fresh seafood. Its official… we are on vacation!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Goodbye Lisbon…So Much We Have Learned

If you are on a tight budget and also want to loose a few pounds, Portugal is the place to be. That’s right folks, unlike the American way, the basket of bread and other yummy snacks they place so generously on your table, before you order, is not free! As always, we learned the hard way.

What we ordered: Two meals at 9 euros each

What we didn’t order, ate and paid for: two slices of bread .60 euro each, butter stick .60 euro, six olives 1 euro, chefs special dipping sauce 3.5 euro, etc…

What we learned? You eat, you pay… Priceless!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

City By The River

The city of Lisbon reminds us so much of San Francisco! Known as the city of "seven hills" it has a landscape of curvy streets and several high points with spectacular views of the Tagus (Tejo) River. It is a port city with an old cable car system running in the downtown area (BAIXA) and a bridge named the "The 25 de Abril Bridge" that looks very similar to the Golden Gate Bridge. Quaint cobble stone streets and a Pastelaria on every corner are some of the many characteristics that gives Lisbon, Portugal a name of its own.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Art Form or Animal Cruelty?

Last night we went to Campo Pequeno, Portugual's largest Bullfighting ring and one of the oldest in Iberia, which seats 8,500. Bullfighting was once the sport of Portuguese noblemen. Unlike in neighboring Spain, the bull is not killed (thank g--!). Much ceremony and pageantry attend the drama and the major actors are elegantly costumed cavaleiros, who charge the bull on horseback (video above), and maços de forçado, who grapple with the bull. Yes that's right - a man will charge the bull full force, on foot with no armor, trying to jump between the bulls horns on its head. The same man will keep trying until he gets on....for per say...a little joy ride!? Keep in mind, this is after the same bull has been speared by the horseman several times. The man charging must not fear the bulls strength nor its blood splatter. One will have to judge on their own whether they find this sport a form of art or animal cruelty. We have opted not to pass judgment, although the event spurred a mix of emotions that included joyous clapping accompanied with squinting of the eyes and a few groans.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jet Lag and Espresso

Cab ride to JFK, flight to London, three buses through Heathrow to Terminal 3, connecting flight to Portugal, and a cab ride to Hotel Zenit. Finally we made it! 24 Hours and no sleep but we could not resist a stroll through the beautiful city of Lisbon. First stop; an outdoor cafe for some espresso and sunshine!